Saturday, September 21, 2013

Does it really mean we are free from conflict?

Today is September 21, 2013.
I read something in Galatians 5:17-18, "The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants.  And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires.  These two forces are constantly fighting each other and your choices are never free from this conflict.  But, when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law."  To really understand this, I had to realize that there is Gods way to be free from this conflict.  It is to be directed by the Holy Spirit and follow His lead.
Lately the Roman Catholic leader, the Pope, has been adding more confusion into the mix of ideas what it means to live a life in Jesus Christ.  He no longer wants the people in his group to focus on the sin of immorality and homosexuality, but, now, focus on the sin of abortion.  It's crazy!  What more conflict could this possibly introduce to put one sin above another?  There is no solution in doing this.  The Pope doesn't want to alienate people doing what their sinful nature is leading them to do by practicing homosexual/ immoral acts, but, he does want to shift to the people who are killing babies in the womb.  To be honest, I can't measure sin, I don't see any difference in the old sinful nature loving to do one evil over doing another and I don't believe anyone else has the right to do this either.  I think he fears losing members and to stop this, took a stand of refocusing his emphasis of pointing fingers from one old sinful nature evil to another.  Conflict...would this really exist if the Holy Spirit was leading?  Who led the Roman Catholic authorities into making a dogma that Mary, the woman whose womb God used to bring His Son into the world, was created without sin?(Immaculate Conception)  Who led the same authorities into declaring there was the true presence of Jesus Christ in the communion wafer after the action of "transubstantiation?"  Conflict.  And yet, it doesn't bother anyone because then someone would have to address the issue.
I understand from what Paul is saying that when we follow the Holy Spirit, we won't experience any conflict within our hearts to know where to "walk."  If there is disagreements, it will be on the outside of the seal, the perimeter of the union God formed with our cleansed hearts through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, our risen Lord, Savior and Messiah.  Paul's statements remind me of the parable Jesus told about the "house" that is against itself.  Why it was in conflict was because there was a constant battle, constant fighting going on within.  The result, the "house" was cleaned, the demon thrown out.  But, the next thing that happened, the demon roamed around gathering more forces to come against that same house, enter it with more power and the house was in worse spiritual condition than it was to begin with.  Why?  If I apply what God, the Lord Jesus is telling me through the writing of Paul, it would be the result of not being directed by the Holy Spirit, completely and fully after the house was cleansed, leaving room for more misdirection than what took place in the beginning.  From this, I am directed by the Spirit of God to be directed to pray for all of us, that we humble ourselves before You, Lord God, Jesus Christ and ask for mercy and that we would receive and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit.            

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